As Muslims, keeping oneself pure from small and big hadats is a must for our worship to be accepted by Allah SWT. This purity is a fundamental condition in performing various acts of worship, such as prayer, i'tikaf in the mosque, tawaf, and touching the mushaf.
To cleanse ourselves of small hadats, we simply perform ablution. However, to eliminate major hadats, such as after sexual intercourse between husband and wife, seminal discharge, or menstruation, we need to carry out the obligatory ghusl or junub bath.
Menstruation is a natural process experienced by women during the reproductive period, and during this period, women are in a state of hadats. To become pure again and be able to continue worship such as praying and reading the Koran, it is important for women to perform junub baths after menstruation is over.
Before understanding the procedures for mandatory bathing, it would be good for us to recognize six causes that require mandatory bathing. Let's find out more in this article!
Things that Require Mandatory Bathing
In Islam, there are several things that require a Muslim to perform mandatory bathing. Mandatory bathing or what is also known as "great shower" aims to purify oneself from hadas big. Here are some things that require a person to take a mandatory bath:
1. Sperm Discharge
Both men and women are required to bathe after the release of sperm (mani). This is based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad as narrated by Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri ra:
It means: Rasulullah SAW said: "Water is because of water (it is mandatory to bathe because semen comes out).” (HR Muslim).
This hadith firmly states that the release of semen requires bathing, without exception. This obligatory bath must be carried out whether semen comes out while awake or asleep, intentional or not, for a reason or not, accompanied by lust or not. The most important thing is that the semen leaves the body.
The importance of taking a mandatory bath after semen comes out is because semen contains impurity. Obligatory bathing aims to cleanse oneself from major hadas and purify oneself before performing worship, such as praying, reading the Koran, and entering the mosque.
Therefore, Muslims who have ejaculated, both men and women, are required to immediately perform the obligatory bath using the correct procedures. This is to return to a holy state and carry out worship calmly and solemnly.
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2. Having sexual relations
In Islam, sexual relations (coitus) have certain ritual consequences, namely the obligation to take a mandatory bath or junub bath. Ghusl is obligatory when male genitals come into contact with female genitals, even if you do not produce semen and use a condom.
This is based on the words of the Prophet SAW narrated by Muslims:
It means: "If a man sits between four parts of a woman's body (two arms and two legs) and the circumcision site (male) meets the circumcision site (female) then it is truly obligatory to bathe even though he does not produce semen," (HR Muslim).
3. Menstrual Blood Discharge
Menstruation or menstruation is the discharge of blood from the female organs under normal conditions, with a minimum duration of one day and one night (24 hours) and a maximum of fifteen days. In general, menstruation lasts seven or eight days. The legal basis for the obligation to bathe for menstruating women is the word of Allah:
It means: "They ask you about menstruation. Say: "Menstruation is an impurity". Therefore, you should stay away from women during menstruation; and do not approach them until they are pure. When they are pure, then mingle with them in the place that God commanded you," (Surat Al-Baqarah: 222).
4. End of Menstruation
Postpartum is blood that comes out of a woman's genitals after giving birth. The minimum duration of postpartum is a short time, while the maximum duration is 60 days. Generally, postpartum lasts 40 days. Like menstruation, women who experience postpartum are also required to bathe after the blood stops (clogged). However, in the case of postpartum, there is no need to wait until it reaches 24 hours because the blood that comes out after giving birth can already be categorized as postpartum.
Please note that women who are menstruating or postpartum are not permitted and it is not valid to perform ablution or bathe while the blood is still coming out (not clogged). This is because the main function of ablution or bathing is to achieve purity, while he is experiencing bleeding which causes hadats. He is only allowed to take a sunnah bath which aims to get rid of unpleasant odors, especially when he wants to gather with many people, such as taking a sunnah bath when he is about to enter Mecca and bathing on two holy days.
5. Giving birth
For women who give birth naturally, it is obligatory to take a mandatory bath even if what is born is still a lump of blood or flesh. This is because the process of giving birth produces postpartum blood which is a large hadas.
Meanwhile, for women who give birth via caesarean section, there are differences of opinion among the ulama regarding the obligation to bathe. There are opinions that state that bathing is still mandatory, and there are also those that say it is not mandatory.
6. Died
Obligatory bathing is also required for people who die, except for those who die as martyrs, as well as victims of miscarriage or abortion who have not yet shown their human form, such as still being in the form of a lump of flesh.
However, if the miscarried baby already has some human features such as hands or a head, then it is obligatory to bathe him.
The Proposition of Compulsory Bathing
Here are some arguments about obligatory bathing found in the Qur'an and hadiths:
1. Al-Quran Surat Al-Maidah Verse 6
The argument comes from the Al-Qur'an as stated in Surah Al-Maidah verse 6 which shows that ghusl must be performed by those who are junub before praying:
"O you who believe, when you want to pray, then wash your face and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your head and (wash) your feet up to the ankles, and if you are junub, then take a bath.”
2. Hadith from Bukhari and Muslim
Apart from the Qur'an, here is also a hadith which explains the obligation to take a large bath for those who have large hadas, such as after menstruation, postpartum, sexual intercourse, childbirth, or touching a corpse.
"The bath is obligatory for every person who experiences hadas major." (HR. Bukhari and Muslim)
Correct Procedures for Mandatory Bathing After Menstruation
As previously explained, after the menstrual period ends, Muslim women are required to take a big bath. The steps for taking a mandatory bath after menstruation are as follows:
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Read the Mandatory Bathing Intentions
Like all acts of worship in Islam, obligatory bathing must begin with a sincere intention in the heart to purify oneself from the state of impurity. Here's the reading:
“Nawaitul ghusla lifraf il hadatsil akbari minal haidil lillahi ta’ala”
Meaning: "I intend to take a mandatory bath to purify the big hadats from menstruation because of Allah Ta'ala."
Washing Hands and Intimate Parts
Before undertaking the obligatory bath, it is recommended for women to perform ablution, wash their hands and clean their intimate parts to ensure cleanliness.
All parts of the body must be covered with water
When taking a mandatory bath, the entire outer body must be covered with water, including the hair and feathers. For parts of the body that have hair or fur, the water must be able to flow down to the skin and the base of the hair/feathers so that the body does not become unclean.
Pouring Water on the Head
Women should ensure the water reaches the hair roots by pouring water on their heads. It is important to ensure that the water reaches the scalp.
Watering Body Parts According to Sequence
The body must be washed in a certain order, starting from the right side then the left side. This involves washing the right side of the body and then the left side three times each.
Using Clean Water
The water used for bathing must be clean and holy. It is recommended to do mandatory shower in a place where water can flow, such as a bathtub or shower.
Reading Prayers After Bathing is Obligatory
When the series of obligatory baths has been completed, it is recommended to recite a prayer after the obligatory bath as follows, summarized from various sources:
Asyhadu Allah Allah Allah Wahwah La Shariah Allahu. The Prophet Muhammadan Abduhu. Allahumma-j has given us the right to believe and gives us the right to worship shalihin.
It means: I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and there is no one to associate partners with Him. And I testify that Prophet Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. Oh God, make me a repentant person, and make me a holy person and make me one of the pious people.
Watch This Video “Order of Procedures..!! Mandatory Bathing After Menstruation-For Women”
The Importance of Obligatory Bathing in Islam
Mandi wajib is a cleansing ritual that has a deep meaning in a religious context, where individuals cleanse themselves from ritual impurities and at the same time renew their intention to draw closer to God.
In the Islamic view, after carrying out the obligatory bath, a person is considered pure and can return to performing obligatory acts of worship, such as prayer and reading the Koran, which are two important pillars in a Muslim's life.
This mandatory bathing procedure has special advantages for women, especially after menstruation. This becomes a necessity to achieve a state of ritual purity that allows them to continue their daily worship and activities without feeling hindered by their previous physical state.
In this context, obligatory bathing is not just a ritual, but also a means to restore honor and purity, so that women can participate fully in their spiritual and social life.
Furthermore, obligatory bathing symbolizes seeking forgiveness from Allah and an effort to draw closer to Him. When a person undertakes the obligatory bath with sincere intention, they not only cleanse the body, but also cleanse the soul from the burden of sins and mistakes.
In this case, intention and sincerity are the main keys for this ritual to be accepted by Allah, emphasizing that physical actions must be accompanied by deep spiritual awareness.
Therefore, understanding and carrying out the obligatory bath correctly is an important step in a Muslim's spiritual journey. This ritual is not just an obligation, but also an opportunity to reflect on oneself and renew commitment to Allah.
Hopefully this explanation regarding the procedures and prayers for taking a big bath after menstruation is useful for all of us.
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