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Waspada Berikut Ciri-Ciri Diabetes Di Usia Muda! Ketahui Penyebab dan Cara Mengobatinya

Signs of Early-Onset Diabetes

Diabetes often occurs in adults, especially the elderly. However, this disease can also attack the younger generation, both in the form of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Second type of diabetes these have different triggers. Type 1 diabetes is caused by the pancreas' inability to produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes is often caused by unhealthy eating patterns, such as consuming excess sugar. Bad habits in daily activities make young people more susceptible to type 2 diabetes. 

Check out the following characteristics of diabetes at a young age!

Recognizing the Characteristics of Diabetes at a Young Age

Symptoms of diabetes at a young age are almost the same as those of diabetes sufferers at other ages, both in people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. The following are some of the characteristics of diabetes at a young age that you need to be aware of:

1. Urinating More Often

This condition is caused by high levels of sugar in the blood which makes the kidneys work harder to excrete excess sugar through urine. As a result, sufferers often have to get up at night to urinate.

2. Easily Thirsty and Hungry

This excessive thirst is the body's response to fluid loss that occurs due to frequent urination. The body tries to compensate for the lack of fluids by triggering a thirst that is more intense than usual.

Besides that, diabetics often feel hungry even though you have eaten. This is caused by the body's inability to use glucose as an energy source effectively, so that the body constantly feels the need for food intake.

3. Drastic Weight Loss 

This weight loss occurs because the body begins to break down fat and muscle as an alternative energy source when glucose cannot be used properly.

4. Blurred Vision 

High blood sugar levels can cause changes in the lens of the eye, resulting in blurred vision. This condition can fluctuate along with changes in blood sugar levels.

5. Tired and Weak

The body's inability to use glucose as the main energy source means that diabetes sufferers often feel tired and weak, even if they do not do strenuous activities.

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6. Dark skin patches in the folds of the neck or armpits

This condition is known as Acanthosis Nigricans, which is often a sign of insulin resistance, a condition common in type 2 diabetes.

7. Wounds Heal Slowly

High blood sugar levels can interfere with the wound healing process, making wounds take longer to heal and are more susceptible to infection.

8. Easily Infected

Diabetics have a higher risk of infection because high blood sugar levels can weaken the immune system.

The characteristics of type 1 diabetes at a young age are that it can develop more quickly than type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of type 1 diabetes can develop within a few weeks or even days, so they are more quickly recognized.

Meanwhile, the symptoms of type 2 diabetes tend to be non-specific and difficult to recognize. As a result, the disease is not diagnosed until many years after complications appear.

In Indonesia, the first diagnosis of type 1 diabetes is mostly in the 10-14 year age group. Meanwhile, the characteristics of diabetes at a young age in type 2 are usually only diagnosed when entering puberty or at a more mature age.

Trigger Factors for Diabetes at a Young Age

Diabetes occurs because the body is unable to produce or optimize the performance of insulin properly. The risk of diabetes at a young age increases due to an unhealthy lifestyle and lack of physical activity. Here are some of the main factors that make diabetes more susceptible in young people:

  • Unhealthy eating patterns
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Smoking habits and alcohol consumption
  • Family history

To reduce the risk of diabetes, it is important for young people to adopt a healthy lifestyle by consuming nutritious food, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and alcohol consumption. Knowledge of family health history can also help in managing and preventing diabetes early on.

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How to Treat Diabetes at a Young Age

Treating diabetes in any age group requires careful management to prevent serious complications. Therefore, it is very important to recognize diabetes symptoms from a young age so that medical intervention can be carried out as early as possible. 

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes by a doctor, here are some treatment steps that patients can follow:

1. Consuming drugs

In type 2 diabetes patients, doctors will usually prescribe medication. One of the diabetes drugs commonly prescribed is metformin. This drug functions to reduce glucose production in the liver and helps the body process insulin effectively. 

Apart from metformin, there are also other drugs that can be used to treat diabetes, such as sulfonylureas, DPP-4 inhibitors, and GLP-1 receptor agonists. It is important for patients to follow the doctor's instructions in taking these medications so that diabetes management can run optimally. Apart from that, patients are also advised to live a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, to support the effectiveness of treatment. 

2. Do Insulin Therapy

If the characteristics of diabetes at a young age refer to type 1 diabetes, the treatment that will be given is insulin therapy. This therapy aims to regulate daily blood sugar levels. Insulin therapy is also recommended for type 2 diabetes patients who have not been controlled using antidiabetic drugs. In severe cases of type 1 diabetes, doctors may recommend a pancreas transplant procedure to replace the damaged pancreas.

Education regarding diabetes management is also important to ensure patients can manage their condition well and prevent long-term complications. 

3. Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

Apart from undergoing medical treatment, diabetes patients need to adopt a healthy lifestyle. One important step is to increase your consumption of fruit, vegetables and protein from grains. Foods that are low in calories and fat are also highly recommended to maintain nutritional balance and control blood sugar levels.

In addition, reducing sugar intake is another important step. Sugar can be replaced with safer sweeteners, such as sorbitol or stevia, to reduce the risk of dangerous blood sugar spikes. Using this alternative sweetener can help diabetes patients continue to enjoy sweet foods without sacrificing health.

Regular exercise of at least 150 minutes per week is also highly recommended. This physical activity helps convert blood sugar into energy and increases the body's sensitivity to insulin. Thus, exercise not only helps control blood sugar levels, but also improves overall health.

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4. Regularly Check Blood Sugar Levels

Don't forget to always control your blood sugar levels regularly. Controlling blood sugar levels regularly is very important to reduce the risk of complications due to diabetes. By keeping blood sugar levels stable, you can prevent various health problems that may arise.

Blood sugar control can be done independently. You can use a blood sugar measuring device available on the market to monitor your blood sugar levels every day. Apart from that, it is also important to record the measurement results so that they can be analyzed further.

Apart from self-control, having regular check-ups with a doctor is also very important. Routine examinations with a doctor must be carried out according to the schedule recommended by medical personnel. In this way, doctors can provide appropriate advice and action if an imbalance in blood sugar levels is found.

How to Prevent Diabetes at a Young Age

Prevention of diabetes at a young age can be done by changing bad habits to healthier ones in daily activities. The following are ways to prevent diabetes that young people can implement from an early age:

1. Set a Healthy Eating Pattern

You can prevent type 2 diabetes by controlling your diet and sugar intake into your body. Instead of eating foods high in sugar and fat, replace your daily food intake with fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables contain fiber which is good for digestion and helps control blood sugar levels.

Apart from that, eating high protein is also good for maintaining muscle mass and making you fuller, which can prevent excess weight gain. Protein can be found in foods such as lean meat, fish, eggs and nuts. By managing a healthy diet, you can maintain nutritional balance in the body.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercise is important to maintain ideal body weight. You can do sports or physical activity, such as brisk walking, yoga, cycling, swimming, dancing and aerobics. This type of exercise can reduce fat levels in the body and fight insulin resistance.

Apart from that, exercise also plays an important role in increasing heart rate, reducing symptoms of stress, and calming the nervous system. This also helps the body maintain normal blood sugar levels. By exercising regularly, you not only maintain physical health but also mental health.

3. Get Enough Sleep

Young people often ignore the dangers of lack of sleep due to being too focused on work. In fact, lack of sleep can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and obesity. Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's metabolism and cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

This condition occurs because the body responds to stress which can increase blood sugar levels. Lack of sleep also triggers  insulin esistance. Therefore, even though you are still young, you should avoid the habit of staying up late and get enough rest. Make sure you get quality sleep every night.

4. Avoid Activities that Trigger Stress

Stress also affects diabetes. Therefore, you also need to manage stress by calming your mind, relaxing, pursuing hobby activities, and talking with friends or relatives. Managing stress well can help maintain hormonal balance in the body.

In addition, doing fun and useful activities can help reduce stress levels. By avoiding excess stress, you can maintain overall mental and physical health. Managing stress is an important part of preventing diabetes at a young age.

Learn about “Diabetes Can Strike at a Young Age! Come on, get to know the characteristics" in the video below.

This is a discussion of the signs of diabetes at a young age and steps to prevent it. If you feel the early symptoms of diabetes, such as frequently feeling hungry or thirsty, wounds that are difficult to heal, or bleeding, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment according to your health condition.


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