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Tradisi Kehamilan yang Kaya di Indonesia

Rich Traditions: Pregnancy Practices in Indonesia

Indonesia, with its diverse cultures and ethnicities, boasts a tapestry of pregnancy traditions that have been passed down through generations. These traditions reflect not only the cultural diversity of the nation but also its strong sense of community and reverence for the journey of motherhood. In this article, we will explore some of the fascinating pregnancy practices and customs observed in various parts of Indonesia.

1. Talang Mamak - The Blessing Ceremony: One of the most common pregnancy traditions in Sumatra, particularly among the Minangkabau ethnic group, is the "Talang Mamak" ceremony. This blessing ceremony is held to celebrate the expectant mother and her baby. Friends and family gather to offer prayers, well-wishes, and gifts to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy.

2. Simantonan - The Seventh-Month Ceremony: In Javanese culture, the seventh month of pregnancy is considered a significant milestone. Families often hold a ceremony known as "Simantonan" during this time. It involves special prayers, offerings, and the prediction of the baby's future through the use of various items symbolizing different professions.

3. Bengkung - The Postpartum Binding: After giving birth, many Indonesian women follow the tradition of "bengkung." This involves tightly binding the abdomen with a long piece of cloth to support the postpartum recovery process. It is believed that this practice helps the mother's uterus return to its original position and shape.

4. Pisowanan - The First-Bath Ceremony: In Bali, the first bath of the newborn is a sacred ritual called "Pisowanan." It typically involves the mother and baby being bathed together in holy water to purify and protect them from negative influences. This ceremony marks the baby's official introduction to the world.

5. Habagin - The Naming Ceremony: Naming a baby is a significant event in Indonesian culture, often marked by a special ceremony known as "Habagin" among the Batak people of North Sumatra. Elders or religious leaders perform rituals and prayers to choose an auspicious name for the baby.

6. Pungutan Umbilical Cord: In many parts of Indonesia, the umbilical cord stump is preserved as a symbol of the child's connection to their family and heritage. It is often buried in a significant location, such as the family home, with the belief that it will bring good fortune and protect the child.

7. Traditional Postpartum Care: Across Indonesia, traditional postpartum care practices are prevalent. New mothers are often cared for by experienced female family members or traditional birth attendants. Special diets, massages, and herbal remedies are used to aid in the mother's recovery and support breastfeeding.

8. Community Involvement: Perhaps one of the most striking aspects of pregnancy traditions in Indonesia is the strong sense of community involvement. From the planning of ceremonies to offering support during pregnancy and childbirth, friends and family play an integral role in ensuring the well-being of both the expectant mother and the unborn child.


  • Miharu, J. (2017). 'Talang mamak' ceremony: Minangkabau tradition to welcome pregnancy.
  • Indonesian Etiquette and Culture: Pregnancy Traditions. (n.d.).
  • Understanding Indonesian Culture for Successful Business. (n.d.).
  • Barker, J. (2008). Ritual, womanhood and power: The role of water in a Balinese village. Anthropological Forum, 18(3), 297-315.
  • Eiseman, F. B. (1990). Balinese pregnancy and childbirth. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 78(3), 265-270.

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