Besides being easy to find in our environment,fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and high fiber compared to other types of food.
Facts prove that in several areas in Nepal and Sardinia it is known that its citizens are healthier and live longer because they consume lots of fruits and vegetables.
However, there are still many who do not fully understand the benefits of fruits and vegetables for health. Come on, see the fruits & vegetables that are high in nutrition below!
Fruits and Vegetables High in Nutrition
- Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a type of citrus that has high nutrition. In addition, the source of minerals and vitamins in grapefruit can help reduce insulin resistance and help reduce weight. - Pineapple
Pineapple is one of the fruits that has a high vitamin C content which contains bromelain which can facilitate infection. Bromelain helps the absorption of protein and is considered good for reducing the risk of cancer and tumors. - Avocados
Apart from having a delicious taste, avocados also contain high potassium, fiber and magnesium which are excellent for treating inflammation. Avocados contain unsaturated fat which is low in calories and can minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. - Pomegranate
It should be noted that this rosy red fruit is one of the healthiest fruits in the world. This fruit contains antioxidants 3 times higher than green tea and can prevent the risk of cancer. - Spinach
For additional information, each person generally requires around 12-65 grams of protein consumption per day, based on age calculations. This protein, of course, can be obtained from the consumption of vegetables. One type of vegetable that is rich in protein is spinach.
In 100 grams of spinach, there is an average of 2.9 grams of protein. And 50% protein per calorie contained in spinach, plays an important role in reducing inflammation to prevent cancer.
Not only rich in protein, spinach is also found to contain folate, vitamin C, potassium and calcium, vitamin A, magnesium, and iron. - Bok choy
Sawi spoon or commonly called bok choy/pokcoy is a type of vegetable high in protein, which is usually used in Chinese cooking. Oval leaves with thick stalks make bok choy have a different appearance from mustard greens in general.
In 100 g of bok choy on average it contains 1.5 grams of protein or around 46% calories. This vegetable is also a source of vitamins A and C, folic acid and calcium.
For its own benefit, bok choy is useful for boosting the immune system, maintaining heart and eye health, and maintaining bone mass so that it is free from osteoporosis. - Broccoli
Next, a type of vegetable that is rich in nutrients is broccoli. This vegetable has the scientific name Brassica oleracea var italica and contains 2.8 grams of protein.
Besides that, broccoli is equipped with vitamins C and K, which are good for detoxifying the body while preventing cancer.
Those are some recommendations of fruits and vegetables that you can consume. And there are many more types of fruits or vegetables that are rich in nutrients with a myriad of benefits.
Health Benefits
Several studies have found that eating enough vegetables and fruit helps maintain normal blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels. In addition, eating enough fruits and vegetables can reduce constipation and obesity.
Here are some of the benefits of fruits and vegetables for health:
- Improve memory
- Make body more fit & health
- Improve bowel regularity
- Solutions to avoid being overweight/obese
- Prevent and help cure cancer
Thus the article about the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables for the health of the body. From now on, change your eating habits by consuming enough fruits and vegetables so that you can meet the natural nutritional needs of your body!
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Informasi tentang sayur dan buah untuk kesehatan bermanfaat sekali. Pola hidup sehat penting sebagai langkah pencegahan terhadap berbagai penyakit, khususnya jantung. Salah satu tindakan medis yang dapat mendukung penanganan masalah jantung adalah Bypass Jantung. Prosedur ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi penyumbatan arteri koroner dan mengembalikan aliran darah ke jantung.
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