Nona Diaries is a series featuring some inspirational women and their period stories. Today’s feature is about Gillian Koh aka @MissCleanEats and co-founder of
Gillian was born in Singapore but raised in Indonesia. She loves inspiring others to eat better and to incorporate self-love into their everyday lives. She is also a certified AFPA Sports Nutritionist and a Life Enthusiast!
Hi! Let's start with your name...
Gillian Koh from @MissCleanEats
Tell us a bit about yourself, and especially about KINI Daily!
I recently just received my certification as a Sports Nutritionist with AFPA. I am a content creator on Instagram and the co-founder of
On @MissCleanEats I share glimpses of my daily activities and also share delicious recipes I create at home. I have a website on the way to hold all these recipes, but creating the website has been postponed as we just launched a few months back in May. KINI Daily has been keeping me busy these days and I absolutely love it. It truly makes me so happy seeing other people enjoying a product that I created.
So inspiring... What are your favorite ways to work out?
I love going to the gym! My favorite would be lifting weights and walking on an incline. I also love taking walks outside and the occasional swim/yoga session.
Do you have a typical fitness routine every week?
I try to go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. On the other days I try to stay active by doing a lot of walking.
What is your food philosophy like?
I’ve honestly tried almost all the different types of diets out there. I was even vegan for 2 years. But at the end of the day I truly believe in focusing on whole foods and especially plant foods. I believe in a balanced diet that includes all macros, which means including protein, fats and carbs. I don’t believe in cheat days anymore but I do believe in moderation. I think currently my diet resembles the Mediterranean diet the most.
What’s a typical day of eating like for you?
I start my day with a drink -either an iced latte/ iced matcha or a KINI Daily smoothie.
Then if I go to the gym, I’ll usually have a protein shake after my workout.
For lunch I like having a huge salad, either with plant protein or fish.
And then for dinner, this is when I usually have a heartier meal. I always have some vegetables + a protein and then sometimes I’ll have pasta!
What feelings do you have towards your period?
Mixed feelings. I’m glad that I have it regularly but also find it an inconvenience.
Do you get any womanly intuition or signs when your period is coming?
Yes. I feel puffier, much more bloated, increase in appetite and some mood swings.
Are there any habits that you incorporate into your lifestyle to honor your period?
Not yet, but after reading this, maybe I should!
Do you remember the first time you got your first period?
Yes I do! I was in the bathroom and my tissue was red so I called my mom over and she explained what was happening.
If you could give your younger self advice when you first got your period, what would you say?
To use smaller pads during the day and to use tampons when I could!----------------------
Read more about other inspirational women in our Nona Diaries series. Want to nominate any other women for this series? Email us or let us know here!
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