Some people may have heard of the Human Papillomavirus or commonly called HPV. Human Papillomavirus is a virus that causes infection on the surface of the skin, besides that, this virus can also cause cervical cancer.
HPV itself is one of 200 viruses that spread through direct sexual contact. Most of these viruses are harmless and have no symptoms. However, this virus is the biggest cause of cervical cancer, which is equal to 70 percent.
According to WHO cervical cancer is one type of cancer that often occurs in women around the world. And in 2020, there were around 604,000 new cases of cervical cancer and 342,000 deaths worldwide.
Therefore WHO recommends HPV vaccination into the basic immunization program. Where the HPV vaccine helps prevent and reduce the risk of genital cancer, especially cervical cancer.
Then what exactly is the HPV vaccine, and what are the procedures and benefits for health?
HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine is a type of vaccine that aims to prevent infection with the Human Papillomavirus which causes cervical cancer by up to 70 percent.
Human Papillomavirus or HPV is a type of virus that is spread through sexual intercourse. This virus can cause infections in the genital and anal areas.
If a person is infected with HPV, he does not necessarily have cancer. Because there are 100 types of HPV and not all of them are in the dangerous category. However, some types of HPV can also cause serious health problems, namely cancer, such as cervical, anal, penile, vaginal, vulvar, to throat and mouth (oropharyngeal) cancer.
Because of the danger posed by the virus, WHO suggested including the HPV vaccine as one of the basic immunizations throughout the world. From this appeal, the Indonesian government also included the HPV vaccine in the government's mandatory program.
The HPV vaccine is given to all people from all walks of life, from children, adolescents, to adults, both women and men. For women the HPV vaccine can be given from the age of 9 to 55 years. However, ideally the vaccine is given at the age
of 9 to 26 years, that is, at an age when they are not sexually active. As for men, the HPV vaccine should ideally be given at the age of 19 to 26 years.
HPV Vaccine’s Benefits for Health
As already explained, the HPV vaccine aims to prevent the risk of disease caused by the Human Papillomavirus. And nearly 70 percent of cervical cancer cases are caused by this HPV virus.
HPV is a virus that can attack anyone, both women and men. Starting from the age of children, teenagers, to adults. For women, the HPV virus can cause warts on the genitals and anus. In addition, HPV can also cause cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancer. Whereas in men, HPV can cause warts on the penis, cancer of the penis and anus.
Indonesian Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said that the HPV vaccine must be added to the complete immunization program, because this vaccine can reduce maternal mortality. Because he sees that there are two diseases that are a big problem in Indonesia, namely breast cancer and cervical cancer.
Procedure for Injecting the HPV Vaccine
Before doing the HPV vaccine there are several procedures that must be done. Some of the procedures that need to be done are as follows:
- First, consult with your doctor first. Usually the doctor will ask about the patient's medical history, allergies, and lifestyle. That way the doctor will know whether the HPV vaccine is safe for your body or not.
- If you have received the HPV vaccine before, the doctor will also ask about the time of the previous HPV. That way doctors can avoid the possibility of allergies or side effects from previous HPV vaccines.
- If according to the doctor's examination there are no problems with your health, then the doctor can determine the dose and schedule for the HPV vaccine.
- The HPV vaccine will be given by injection into the muscle. Usually this injection is done in the upper arm or upper thigh.
- Usually when giving an injection, a doctor will be supervised by another doctor from a medical facility designated by the immunization service.
- The dose of the HPV vaccine is 0.5 ml for one injection. During the process, the doctor must also take several steps, namely, clean the area to be injected with alcohol. Then the injected area must be clamped using the arm. The doctor will inject the vaccine into the muscle through the skin surface. When
finished, the needle will be withdrawn, and the doctor will place an alcoholic gauze pad to apply pressure to the injected area.
- If the HPV vaccine is given at ages 9 to 13 years, it requires two doses of the HPV vaccine.
- Whereas for ages 16 to 18 years, the dose needed is three doses. ● The best time to do the HPV vaccine is starting from infancy. This was done because at that age, humans were not sexually active. So the possibility of contracting the HPV virus is lower.
The HPV virus is not all that dangerous, but if left too long and not treated immediately, it will cause more serious health problems.
After taking the HPV vaccine, usually some people will experience some side effects, such as pain, fever, headaches and muscle aches. If you experience side effects that are more serious than those mentioned earlier, consult a doctor immediately.
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