There are several methods to prevent pregnancy for married couples who have not planned or want to postpone pregnancy for certain reasons. One method that can be used is the use of condoms as a preventive measure during sexual intercourse.
For married couples who are planning to postpone pregnancy, let's find out some tips for preventing pregnancy that you can consider. Let's look at the complete review below.
Effective Ways to Prevent Pregnancy
There are various methods that can be used by married couples to prevent pregnancy. Some of these include avoiding intimate relations during ovulation, giving exclusive breast milk, withdrawing the penis before ejaculating during intercourse, using condoms, and taking birth control pills. The following is a complete explanation of these ways to delay pregnancy.
1. Remove sperm outside the vagina
One of the natural contraceptive methods that many couples use to prevent pregnancy is interrupted intercourse or intercourse interrupted. The main principle of this method is that the man must pull his penis out of the vagina before ejaculation occurs. So, sperm fluid will not enter the woman's vagina. Of course, a technique like this requires caution and accurate timing in order to achieve success.
Although removing sperm outside the vagina can be effective in preventing pregnancy, the success rate is lower compared to other contraceptive methods. This is caused by the possibility of pre-ejaculation fluid, which is fluid released by a man's penis before ejaculation occurs and may contain sperm.
2. Do not penetrate
One way to have sex to avoid getting pregnant is to avoid penetration into the vagina, which is also known as petting. Petting is a sexual activity that involves stimulation of a partner without penetration. Various forms of sexual activity can be carried out during petting, such as touching or touching a partner's intimate organs. This activity can be done using hands or genitals.
This way, you and your partner can still enjoy intimate relations without penetration as an effort to prevent pregnancy without using contraception. This step is taken to ensure that sperm does not enter the vagina.
3. Proper Use of Condoms
If you and your partner want to have sex without worrying about pregnancy, one method that is easy and quite effective is to use a condom. Condom contraceptives used by men can prevent sperm cells from entering a woman's vagina. So, this can reduce the risk of an unwanted pregnancy that you don't want. Apart from that, using condoms can also prevent the spread of various sexually transmitted diseases, such as HIV/AIDS which is dangerous.
To ensure its effectiveness, make sure that the condom you use is still valid or not expired and is not damaged either the outer or inner packaging. By using condoms correctly, you can reduce the chances of pregnancy by up to 80 percent. And to get condoms, you can easily buy them at the nearest pharmacy, minimarket or shop.
Read also: Tips for Choosing the Right Condom
4. Avoid Having Sex During Your Fertile Period
Menstruation has an important role in determining fertility and pregnancy in women. Before determining the right time to have sex, you should first understand how the menstrual cycle works. Every woman has a different menstrual cycle, ranging from 25 to 35 days. The cycle starts from the first day of menstruation until exactly the day before the next menstruation.
After menstruation stops, the body enters the initial phase of ovulation. Usually ovulation occurs around 14 days after menstruation (on a 28 day cycle). This time is called the fertile period, where the possibility of getting pregnant is very high. During this time, the body prepares itself to release the egg. To prevent pregnancy, avoid having sex during the ovulation period, which is 14 days after menstruation. The ovulation period generally lasts 2-5 days.
5. Using an IUD (Intra-Uterine Device)
Intrauterine device (IUD) is a contraceptive device that is installed in the uterus by professional medical personnel. There are two main types of IUDs available, namely hormonal IUDs and non-hormonal IUDs. Hormonal IUDs release hormones such as progestin, while non-hormonal IUDs are generally made of copper.
The way the IUD works involves several mechanisms, including inhibiting sperm movement, changing the consistency of cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering, and creating a uterine environment that is less conducive to pregnancy. The advantage of the IUD is its ability to provide effective protection over a long period of time, depending on the type of IUD used.
6. Routine Consumption of Contraceptive Pills (KB Pills)
Contraceptive pills are one of the frequently used hormonal contraceptive methods. There are two main types of contraceptive pills, namely combination pills, which contain estrogen and progestin, and mini pills (progestin-only). Contraceptive pills work by inhibiting ovulation (release of an egg) and changing cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus.
The success of birth control pills in preventing pregnancy depends greatly on compliance with their use, which means they must be taken every day at the same time. Birth control pills are very effective when taken regularly and according to instructions, and many women find this method convenient because of its flexibility in controlling pregnancy.
Read also: How to Choose the Correct Birth Control Pill
7. Mruse injectable birth control
Injectable birth control is a hormonal contraceptive method that involves administering injections containing certain hormones into muscle or fat tissue at predetermined intervals, usually every three months. This type of contraception contains the hormone progesterone, which works through several mechanisms to prevent pregnancy.
The mechanism of action includes preventing ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary), thickening cervical mucus to inhibit sperm movement, and making the uterine wall less ready to receive a fertilized egg.
8. Performing Sterile Surgery
Sterile surgery is a medical procedure that permanently aims to stop a person's ability to have children. In this case, there are two types of sterilization operations that are commonly carried out by several couples. Among them are:
Sterile Surgery in Men (Vasectomy)
- Sterile Surgery in Women (Tubal Ligation/Tubectomy)
9. Providing exclusive breastfeeding
Exclusive breastfeeding is one natural method that you can use to prevent the possibility of pregnancy. This is because during the breastfeeding period, the mother's body will naturally release the hormone prolactin which can inhibit the production of the hormones estrogen and luteinizing hormone (LH) which play a role in the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
10. Pay attention to the position when having sex
Several positions during intercourse are claimed to help slow pregnancy. However, this method is certainly not completely effective. Because you and your partner are strongly advised to use contraception to prevent pregnancy during sexual intercourse.
The following are two sex positions that are believed to help slow down the process of pregnancy:
Sitting Position
Standing Position (Standing)
11. Consuming Certain Foods and Drinks
You can consider consuming certain foods and drinks that are believed to have the potential to prevent pregnancy. Some food choices that you can consider include pineapple, young papaya, lemon juice, hibiscus extract, and parsley.
Read also: Can Pregnant Mothers Eat Durian & Spicy Food?
Those are some interesting facts about how to have sex that doesn't cause pregnancy that you need to know. Don't get caught up in inaccurate myths spread in society. If you and your partner want to prevent conception during sexual intercourse, consult a doctor immediately.
That way, the doctor will provide recommendations about the type of contraception or advice that suits you and your partner's condition. By implementing the right methods, you can effectively prevent pregnancy even if you are actively having intimate relations.
Also watch "Things to Pay Attention to When Having Intimacy to Always Be Safe!” in this video

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