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Berikut Pengertian dari Istilah Menarche yang Wajib Anda Pahami!

Here's the Definition of Menarche that You Must Understand!

When a girl enters the adult growth stage, the important moment she will experience is menstruation. Also known as menarche, the first menstruation is a clear indication that the girl has entered puberty. Find more information here.

Definition of Menarche

Menarche, also known as first menstruation, refers to the important moment when a woman experiences her first menstruation. This event is not only a sign that her body has entered a new phase, but also marks the beginning of the ability to embark on the journey of motherhood in the future. In other words, if there are no certain health problems, this moment explains that the egg is ready to be fertilized.

When Does Menarche Occur?

Menarche generally occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 years. However, under certain conditions, the first menstruation may come earlier, even at the age of 9 years. Conversely, there is also a possibility that the first menstruation will appear later, namely at the age of 15 years or later.

If you are concerned that your daughter has menarche before the age of 9, keep in mind that this could indicate early puberty or be a symptom of a hormonal problem. Knowledge of these signs can be very useful.

There is no need to worry if there is a difference in the time of onset of menarche between one girl and another. This is normal because many factors affect it, including diet, stress level, and physical activity level.

Menarche Symptoms

When women enter the first menstrual phase, there are usually a series of symptoms that may be felt. Some signs that generally appear include:

  1. Blood Color Change: You may notice a brown or pink discharge from the vagina. Don't worry, this is a normal sign that your menstrual cycle has started.
  2. Sensation of Cramping and Pain: Discomfort such as cramps or pain in the abdomen, back, or even legs may appear. This is the body's reaction to the hormonal changes that occur during menstruation.
  3. Abdominal Feeling Flatulence: You may feel the stomach feels fuller and bloated. This is caused by changes in water retention and blood circulation that occur during the menstrual cycle.
  4. Changes in the Breast: Your breasts may feel more sensitive and sore than usual. This is the result of hormonal fluctuations affecting the breast tissue.
  5. Appearance of Acne: Some people also experience altered skin conditions, such as the appearance of acne. This is related to hormonal changes that can affect oil production in the skin.
  6. Mood Fluctuations: During your period, hormonal changes can affect your mood. Don't be surprised if you feel more sensitive or easily emotional.
  7. Overwhelming Feeling of Fatigue: Some women experience greater fatigue during menstruation. This may be because the body is working extra in adjusting to hormonal changes.

Diagnosis of Menarche

The first menstruation can be detected after a brownish or reddish stain comes out of the vagina. This condition is normal and does not require special examination for medical treatment.

A new diagnosis is needed when the first menstruation occurs after the age of more than 15 years or occurs earlier than the age of 11 years. Examination includes a genital examination to detect an imperforate hymen.

Imperforate hymen is a condition when the hymen does not show a hole (hiatus hymenalis). This is a mild disorder and is often found in cases of delayed first menstruation.

Prevention of Menarche

To prevent menarche from occurring too early or too late in adolescents, there are several efforts parents can make, including:

  • Give adequate daily nutritional intake with a complete and nutritious balanced diet
  • Encourage children to be physically active and exercise regularly
  • Make sure the child gets enough rest and sleep
  • Ensure children drink water as needed

Can Girls Get Pregnant after Menarche?

Yes, menarche or first menstruation also means that a girl can get pregnant if she has had sexual intercourse. If someone says that having sexual intercourse for the first time will not cause pregnancy, this is of course wrong.

Getting pregnant is not related to how many times you have had sexual intercourse.

However, pregnancy can occur when an egg from a woman released by the ovary meets sperm from a man. Therefore, if teenagers have sex close to the time the egg is released, there is a possibility of getting pregnant.

Some people may think that a girl who has just received menarche cannot get pregnant because her body is not ready to get pregnant. This assumption is wrong! Regardless of the age of a girl, 11 years, 12 years, 13 years, younger or older than this, if she has experienced menarche, then she can already get pregnant. Therefore, it is very important to give sex education to your daughter.


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