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Bebas Bergerak: 5 Olahraga yang Aman dan Nyaman Saat Menstruasi

Freedom to Move: 5 Safe and Comfortable Exercises During Menstruation

Is it permissible to do physical activity during menstruation? This question often arises among women, with some worrying that exercising can worsen menstrual discomfort. However, the fact is that physical activity can help reduce the intensity of menstrual pain. To find out what types of exercise can be done safely and comfortably during menstruation, let's look at the information below!

Safe and Comfortable Exercise to Do During Menstruation

Many people think that menstruation is an obstacle to exercising. In fact, exercising during menstruation is safe and even has many benefits.Here are some light exercise options that you can try during menstruation:

1. Walking

One type of exercise that is very good to do during menstruation is walking. No need to travel far, just take a walk around the house in the morning or evening. Benefits include relief from headaches, cramps and breast tenderness. Apart from that, walking can also help reduce stress, mood changes, and increase heart and lung strength.

2. Yoga

Apart from walking, oYoga exercise can help relax the body, reduce stomach cramps, breast pain, muscle and joint pain, and fatigue. Yoga movements are useful in stretching the body's muscles, including the pelvic muscles. It is important to remember that not all yoga movements are suitable for very heavy menstruation, such as headstands or handstands.

3. Pilates

Pilates is also an exercise option that can relax the body. Some Pilates movements involve exercising the pelvic floor muscles, helping to reduce menstrual pain and discomfort during menstruation.

4. Dance

For those of you who like dancing, dancing during menstruation could be an option. Dancing to music can increase feelings of relaxation and happiness, while also increasing joint flexibility, burning calories, and reducing pain during menstruation.

5. Zumba

Apart from several sports mentioned previously, zumba can also be a fun exercise option, because the movements are almost similar to dancing. Music that accompanies zumba movements can help burn more calories and stretch the body's muscles, thereby relieving stomach cramps during menstruation.

Benefits of Exercising During Menstruation

Many women hesitate to exercise during menstruation. But did you know that actively moving during menstruation actually brings many benefits? Come on, take a look at some of the benefits below.

1. Overcomes Cramps and Back Pain

Exercise helps improve blood flow, including in the stomach area. This can reduce cramps and back pain that often bother you during menstruation.

2. Improves Mood and Overcomes Stress

During menstruation, hormonal fluctuations can cause mood swings and stress. Exercise helps the body produce endorphins which can improve your mood and make you happier.

3. Reduces excessive bleeding

Exercise helps improve blood flow and prevents blood from settling in the uterus, so it can help reduce excessive bleeding during menstruation.

A number of benefits of exercising during menstruation are proven. Research shows that women who exercise aerobically for 60 minutes, 3 times a week for 2 consecutive months, experience reduced cramps and headaches during menstruation compared to women who do not exercise.

Therefore, menstruation is not a reason to just not do anything. Do light exercise that is safe and comfortable to relieve menstrual symptoms and maintain body health.


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