Recently, the hot weather during the day has been really intense, hasn't it? Apart from increasing the feeling of hotness, acne also appears more and more. It turns out that hot weather can have an impact on skin and acne. The appearance of pimples and breakouts when temperatures rise and humidity increases, as often happens in tropical regions, can affect anyone. Several studies even indicate that hot weather is a factor that can increase the risk of acne. Come on, find out how to avoid it!
Why Does Acne Appear During Hot Weather?
According to Dr. Charles, as reported in US dermatology partners, acne tends to appear more frequently and severely in the summer due to exposure to heat, humidity, excessive sweating, and more time spent outdoors.
In addition, more intense use of sunscreen can also increase the risk of acne. When we sweat, dead skin cells tend to stick to the skin and are difficult to remove naturally.
The combination of dead skin cells, oil from sweat, and sunscreen can cause pore blockage, creating an ideal environment for acne-causing bacteria to thrive. As a result, ordinary blemishes can turn into infected pimples that are difficult to treat and painful.
How to Prevent Acne During Hot Weather
Living in hot and humid climates can make our skin more susceptible to acne. To keep your skin healthy, here are some steps you can take:
1. Take Care of Skin Cleanliness
Regularly showering and cleaning your face are simple but effective steps to prevent acne. In tropical areas like Indonesia, bathing twice a day is mandatory. Also make sure to clean yourself after activities that make you sweat. Sweat remaining on the skin can cause skin problems such as pimples.
2. Use Sunscreen
Always use sunscreen before doing activities outside the home. Sun exposure can make acne redder and the scars are difficult to remove. Sunscreen helps protect the skin from damage caused by UV rays.
3. Choose the Right Clothes
The choice of clothing also affects skin health, especially during summer. Use clothes that can absorb sweat or are made from thin material to keep your skin dry. Change clothes that are wet from sweat to keep your skin clean.
4. Proper Skin Care
Adapt skin care to summer conditions. Avoid products that are too dense, as they can clog pores. Choose care products that are light and suitable for your skin type.
5. Use a Cleanser with Salicylic Acid
If your skin tends to be oily or acne prone, use a facial cleanser that contains salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps clean oil from pores and reduces the risk of acne.
6. Exfoliate Regularly
Exfoliating your skin regularly can help prevent summer breakouts. Use an exfoliating mask or gentle exfoliating product several times a week to keep your skin healthy without making it peel.
Have you tried implementing some of these tips? As residents of tropical countries, we need to take extra steps to protect our skin from hot weather. Take proper care of your skin health, OK?
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